AMU LLB 2023 Admission, Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility & Pattern

AMU LLB 2023AMU LLB 2023: Aligarh Muslim University commences admission/ Departmental/Combined Test for providing admission into several courses every year.  It commenced admission test for providing admission into LLB course and Departmental test for seeking admission in LLM course. The examination for availing admission in LLB usually takes place in offline mode and comprises multiple-choice questions. The process to apply is online and the course duration is five years. Collect more details about the examination from the below-mentioned information:

About Aligarh Muslim University:

AMU is shortened for Aligarh Muslim University. It is one of the oldest premium Central Universities of India integrated with the unique and rich culture of its own. The aim of the university is to give the opportunity to several aspirants from almost all parts of the world. The foundation of the university is laid by SIR SYED AHMAD KHAN. In 1942 the Muslim Girls’ School was brought to the status of a full-fledged Degree College for Women. From the year 1951, it is a known institution maintained by Aligarh Muslim University. Undergraduate women students in the Faculties like Life Sciences, Science, Agricultural Sciences, Arts, Commerce, and Social Sciences avail instructions in the Women’s College.

AMU LLB 2023 Notification:

  • Aligarh Muslim University will release the Application for AMU LLB in April 2023.

AMU BA LLB 2023 Highlights

Exam Name AMU BA LLB
Full-Form Aligarh Muslim University Law Entrance Test (AMU BA LLB 2023)
Conducted By Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
Exam Type University Level
Exam Category Undergraduate
Application Mode Online Mode
Exam Mode Offline Mode
Official Site

AMU LLB 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Online Application form submission date start: April 2023
Application form submits the Last date: April 2023
Admit Card Download: May 2023
AMU Law 2023 Exam Date: June 2023
Result date announcement: July
Counselling Date Start: August

AMU LLB Admission 2023 Application Form:

To appear in the examination, it is important that the candidate fill the AMU LLB Admission 2023 application form. Candidates can attain the application form via the official website. Before you fill the form, go through the complete information and once you are sure about the details, then start filling the form.

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AMU BA LLB 2023 Application Fee:

The application fee will be Rs.600/-, Moreover, the candidates who are physically challenged should pay Rs.400/- for the AMU BA LLB 2023 application fee. The mode of payment will be available both online and offline. Candidates can pay via modes like Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net banking.

Steps to fill the AMU LLB 2023 Application Form:

  • Visit the official website of AMU i.e,
  • Then, the candidate needs to register themselves by provisioning with the current email address.
  • Then, sign in with the username and password.
  • Update all your basic details along with educational details.
  • Upload your latest photograph, signature, and Thumb Impression.
  • Upload your scanned images.
  • Choose the category then he/she may do so.
  • Upload the required documents connected to your educational qualifications.
  • Apply for the course class and make the payment.

AMU LLB 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidate must have successfully passed Senior Secondary School and must have attained the pass certificate or its equivalent examination with at least than 50%of the total marks
  • OR Must have passed Bridge Course (for Graduates of Deeni Madaris) from AMU with at least 50% marks in aggregate
  • The candidate’s age must not be above 22 years as of 1st July in the year of admission.

Entrance Examination:

AMU proffers 300+ courses not only in traditional branches but in modern branches of Education. Overall, it has 13 faculties and has several centers for Professional Courses. The exact study location for the B.A L.L.B course includes AMU center of Malapuram and Murshidabad, AMU, Aligarh.

Exam Pattern:

  • AMU BA LLB will be conducted through offline mode i.e. Pen & Paper-based Test (PPT).
  • The exam will consist of 100 questions overall.
  • AMU BA LLB 2023 exam Duration will be for 2 hours
  • The paper will be comprised of Multiple Choice Questions.
  • The paper will appear only in one language i.e. English
  • Proficiency in English will be 40 marks.
  • Current Affairs/ General Knowledge (with focus on legal issues) will be for 30 marks
  • Reasoning and Aptitude will be for 30 marks
  • The candidate needs to complete the paper within a duration of 2 hours.
  • If a candidate gives an incorrect answer then there will be a deduction of 25 percent marks to the question paper.


AMU BA LLB will consist of topics from General English, Current Affairs/ General Knowledge (Legal Issues), and Reasoning & Aptitude. The Syllabus is divided into 2 sections is given below:

  • Section 1: 75 Objective Type Questions (75% Weightage) of 1 mark each. There is a negative marking of 0.25 in case of a wrong response. Marks will be decreased if more than one option is selected (unless specified).
  • Section 2: 10 Short Answer Type (25% Weightage) of 2.5 marks each. The answer should be explained in a short paragraph basis. There is no negative marking in this section.
See also  ILICAT 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility, Pattern

Admit Card:

AMU will issue the AMU LLB 2023 Admit Card for the candidates who have successfully submitted their application form. Collect the admit card from the official website Carry the admit card to the exam center otherwise candidate will not be allowed to give the exam. Paste the latest passport size photograph in the respective section mentioned in the admit card. In case the candidate comes across any sort of discrepancy then admit card needs to contact the officials immediately.

Answer Key:

After the exam gets over, AMU will release the answer key for the examination for all the courses on the official website. The answer key will release only in PDF format for all the sets of question papers. Through answers, key candidates can easily check answers and can also analyze their scores. AMU facilitates candidates to raise a challenge in the answer key in case any answer is found incorrect in the official answer key. The candidate needs to pay the processing fee to challenge for answer key

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AMU LLB 2023 Result:

The exam will also be released on the official website. Download results by using login credentials like registration number and password facilitated during the time of form filling. Collect a printout of the exam result along with a rank card for further reference. There will be the release of the merit list of the qualified candidates but There will no intimation provided in this regard, so ensure to go through the official website regularly.

Selection Process:

The selection for seeking admission in LLB courses will entirely be based on the admission test. The marks attained by candidates in the admission test will be based on admission for a specific course. A separate notification for counseling will be provided for the course of study concerned, wherever needed. Those who get shortlisted for counseling will report for counseling and will specify the order of preference of Branch/Course/Main Subject/Specialization/Stream / School from the list of the course.

Reservation Policy:

There will be reservations of seats for various categories to provide relaxation during the admission process. Given below is the list of categories and their codes are given below:

  • NCC cadet will have NC code
  • Outstanding Sportsperson will have SM code
  • Outstanding Debater will have DR code
  • Children of Alumni will have CA code
  • Children of Central Govt. An employee recently posted or transferred to Aligarh will have a CG code
  • Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward Class will have SCSTBC code
  • Children of University Employee will have CE code
  • Physically Challenged will have PH code
  • Children of Armed Forces who died In combat will have CF code

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