UUHF Entrance Exam 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility

UUHF Entrance Exam 2023: UUHF stands for Uttarakhand University of Horticulture & Forestry. Every year, VCSG UUHF conducts an online examination for admission in several Undergraduate, post graduate and Ph.D. courses in courses such as Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry. Interested candidates need to seek complete information such as Eligibility Criteria, application process, etc in detail.

UUHF Entrance Exam 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

Here is the eligibility of different courses:

Ph.D. Programmes:

  • Agroforestry, Silviculture, Tree Improvement, Forest Product and Utilization, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. To acquire admission in the course, candidate must have attained minimum grade point 6.5 or equivalent in the concerned subjects in the Master programme.

Masters Programmes:

  • M.Sc. Horticulture (Vegetable Science): To apply for M.Sc. Horticulture, applicant must have done B.Sc. Horticulture/Agriculture/Forestry/Biology (ZBC)/Plant Biotechnology/Biochemistry.
  • M.Sc. Horticulture (Floriculture& Landscape Architecture): To apply for this course, the minimum eligibility is B.Sc. Horticulture/Agriculture/Forestry/Biology (ZBC)/Plant Biotechnology/Biochemistry
  • M.Sc. Horticulture (Plantation crops, Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants): The minimum qualification should be B.Sc. Horticulture/Agriculture/ Forestry/Biology (ZBC)/ Plant Biotechnology/Biochemistry
  • M.Sc. Agriculture (Entomology): Candidate must have done B.Sc. Horticulture/ Agriculture/Forestry/Biology (ZBC)/Plant Biotechnology/Biochemistry
  • M.Sc. Agriculture (Plant Pathology): to do this course, candidate should be a graduate in Science Horticulture/Agriculture/Forestry/Biology (ZBC)/Plant Biotechnology/Biochemistry
  • M.Sc. Food Technology: This course requires qualification such as B.Tech. Food Technology/Food Science & Technology/Post Harvest Technology; B.Sc. Food Science/Food Technology/Food Science & Tech./Horticulture/Agriculture/Home Science/Biology (ZBC)
  • M.Sc. Agriculture (Seed Science & Technology): To apply for this course, candidate must have completed B.Sc. Horticulture /Agriculture/Forestry/Biology (ZBC)/Plant Biotechnology/Biochemistry
  • M.Sc. Forestry (Silviculture): The minimum qualification should be B.Sc Forestry/Agriculture/Horticulture/Biology (ZBC)
  • M.Sc. Forestry (Tree Improvement): To apply for this course, candidate must have completed B.Sc Forestry/Agriculture/Horticulture/Biology (ZBC)
  • M.Sc. Forestry (Forest Products): The candidate should be a Science graduate in Forestry/Agriculture/ Horticulture/Biology (ZBC)
  • M.Sc. Forestry (Agroforestry): A Science graduate in Forestry/Agriculture/ Horticulture/Biology (ZBC) is the minimum eligibility.

Undergraduate Programmes:

  • B.Sc. Forestry (Hons.) – Applicant must have completed Intermediate Agriculture/ Science with Mathematics or Biology or some other equivalent exam.
  • B.Sc. Horticulture (Hons.) – Intermediate Agriculture/Science with Mathematics or Biology or equivalent examination is the minimum eligibility.
  • B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) – Intermediate Agriculture/Science with Mathematics or Biology or equivalent exam is the minimum requirement.

UUHF 2023 Application Form:

To apply for the desirable course, here are the guidelines:

  1. First go to the official website of VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture & Forestry @ uuhf.ac.in.
  2. Now, go to the Home Page and click on UUHF 2021-22 Apply Online
  3. Fill the Registration form with correct details
  4. Submit the form and now sign in to the Application Form by using the login credentials.
  5. Enter educational as well as personal details in the Application Form.
  6. Upload the relevant documents as per the size requirement.
  7. Submit the application fee and lastly hit on submit button.
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Note: Take a print of the Application Form and save it for further reference.

Application Fee:

If you are interested in applying for the desirable course then submit the Application Fee via any mode such as debit card/credit card/net banking or via user. Check the category wise application fee:

Normal Fee (online form filling and Entrance Exam fee):

  • General and OBC Category: Rs. 1400/-
  • For SC/ST Candidates of Uttarakhand: Rs. 700/-

With late fee of Rs 200/- (online form filling + Entrance Test fee):

  • General and OBC Category: Rs. 1600/-
  • For SC/ST Candidates of Uttarakhand: Rs. 900/-

UUHF Entrance Exam 2023 – Overview:

Check the UUHF Entrance Exam 2023 highlights below:

  • Organization’s Name: VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture & Forestry (UUHF)
  • Examination ‘s Name: UUHF Entrance Test
  • Exam Category: Agriculture Entrance test
  • Official Website: uuhf.ac.in
  • Official website https://www.uuhf.ac.in/
  • Helpline Numbers: Tel: 91-1348-226070,226059, 91-1348-226058

UUHF Entrance Exam 2023 Dates:

Events Exam Dates
Application opening date July 2023
Application closing date August 2023
UUHF 2023 Entrance Exam Date To be notified
Result  date Announced To be notified
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UUHF 2023 Entrance Exam Pattern:

Check the examination pattern of Ph.D., UG and PG programmes:

  • D. Programmes: Candidate will appear in the test for 600 marks. The paper will be consisted of objective type questions. The time to complete the test is 3 hours.
  • Masters Programmes: Candidate will appear in the Aptitude Test along with Subject Matter Test of 50 and 150 questions respectively. The objective Type paper will appear in English language only and there will be no negative marking for incorrect answer.
  • Undergraduate Programmes: This will be a single University Entrance Test for admission to all Undergraduate Programmes. The exam duration will be 3 hours and question paper carries 600 marks. This Multiple choice based question paper will appear both in English and Hindi languages. Check the three groups of papers given below:
  1. PCB paper (Code 1): Those who have cleared/appeared in the 10+2 exam with subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Questions will appear from subjects such as Physics (60 questions), Chemistry (60 questions) and Biology (80 questions). Those who have opted for this group may seek admission in the degree course (Hons.) in Forestry/Horticulture.
  2. PCM paper (Code 2): Those who have cleared or appeared in class XII with subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The paper will be consisted of Physics (60 questions), Chemistry (60 questions) and Mathematics (80 questions). By opting for this group, you can seek a degree course (Hons.) in Forestry/Horticulture.
  3. PCA paper (Code 3): The applicant those who have appeared or cleared 10+2 examination with Agriculture stream may appear in this category. The question paper will be consisted of Physics (60 questions), Chemistry (60 questions) and Agriculture (80 questions). The applicant can seek admission in a degree course (Hons.) in Forestry/Horticulture.

UUHF Entrance Exam 2023 Syllabus:

Candidate need to prepare for the entrance test using the subject approved by the UGC/ICAR/ICFRE for Indian Universities.

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Admit Card:

Those who have filled the application form successfully will obtain the admit card from the official website of UUHF. The admit card will be issued to those who are selected to appear in the test. Make sure to carry this card along to the examination center. Take a print of the admit card to carry along on exam day. It is also crucial to carry an identity card along with the copy of admit card.

Exam Result:

The exam result of the UUHF will released through the official website. First use the login credentials and then download the result. Keep the copy of the result card for further reference. The result will be made available few days after the release of the exam result. The candidates will be shortlisted in the merit list based on the marks obtained and cut off marks. Those who have cleared the test will further appear for counseling process.


The counseling process will be commenced via the Uttarakhand University of Horticulture & Forestry. Those who are shortlisted in the merit list will appear for counseling. Candidates need to appear for counseling on the given date, time and venue. Here is the list of documents required for counseling:

  • 5 latest Passport Size Photos
  • High School Mark Sheet
  • High School Certificate
  • Intermediate Mark Sheet
  • Intermediate Certificate
  • Transfer/Migration Certificate
  • Mark Sheet/PDC
  • Domicile Certificate

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