How to Get Good Score in CAT Exam

How to Get Good Score in CAT: By making the best preparation for CAT Examination, there are many occasions when candidates failed in achieving scores. This becomes a matter of worry where aspirants ask that how to get a good score in CAT Exam. Why your hard work is not reflected? Why you have achieved excellent results? These sorts of quandaries can make you perturb and you look for immediate solutions. However, just keep your past aside and look for a bright future by starting with the right preparation. It is important that you look at your past and analyze what actually went wrong that has prevented you from getting the best possible marks.

  • To have good command over English is highly important thus make your English stronger by reading novels, books, the dictionary on a daily basis. This will certainly let you score much better in the mock tests. Focus on sentence construction, correct usage of Grammar so that the major portion of the Verbal section gets to cover up. The question paper comprises of Reading Comprehension which requires analytic skills more than bookish knowledge, thus go through reading newspapers.
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  • A constant practice prevails magic in the test. Thus after reading the text and understanding it carefully, answer the questions. This implies that one has to go through lots of practice on several topics. You might feel bored at some places and this leads to a non-understanding of the question paper thus via proper practice, such problems can be fully avoided. Attempt all the topics without leaving anyone no matter how unbearable they are.
  • The mock test is a bit difficult, so do not get disappointed, progress well, work on them because this will leads to a high percentile in the CAT test.
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  • For attempting the exam well, you are suggested to stop making preparation for at least 2-3 days. Take a sound sleep and keep away from all sorts of botheration.
  • Learn from your mistakes. If you have attempted for CAT test before then check out what actually went wrong. After figuring out the reason for fetching lower marks, avoid those mistakes this time. This will help in avoiding the same mistakes during this attempt.

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