IIT Patna Ph.D. Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility

IIT Patna Ph.D. Admission 2023IIT Patna Ph.D. Admission 2023: IIT Patna publishes Ph.D. program advertisements twice a year (in the months of March-April and September-October) on the internet and in some newspapers. It is has been a regular exercise since the induction of IIT Patna Ph.D. IIT Patna Ph.D. 2023 Admission to all categories of students is granted on the basis of interview/admission. Test held tentatively in the month of December and May – July every year. Offering IIT Patna PhD programs in Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre for Advanced Systems Engineering, Chemical & Biochemical Eng, Mechanical Eng, Physics, Centre for Energy and Environment, Electrical Engineering, Centre for Strategic Materials, Chemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering

IIT Patna Ph.D. 2023 Exam Date:

Event Exam Dates
Available the Application Form March
Application Form Deadline April
By IIT Patna the Last date for receipt of the completed Registration Form April
Interview date May
GATE 2023 exam February
GATE result March
IIT Patna PhD 2023 Test/ Interview Dates Subject Wise
Mechatronics May
Mathematics & Computing May
Nanoscience & Technology May
Computer Science & Engineering May
Communication System Engineering May
Mechanical Engineering May
Civil & Infrastructure Engineering May
Materials Science & Engineering May
VLSI & Embedded Systems May

IIT Patna Ph.D. 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

The maximum age limit set for all the disciplines is 28 years like (B.Tech/B.E/M.Sc/M.A/MBA). It is 32 years for courses like (M.Tech/M.E/M.S/M.Phil). The age will be calculated from the choosing date of receiving the application form. The age clause will be applicable for all the aspirants applying for the full-time or regular course categories. 5 years of upper age limitation will be provided as per the reservation guidelines to the SC/ST/PH/OBC candidates. This relaxation can also be accessed by the name of female candidates.

For PhD in Engineering:                                            

  • The applicants with the M.Tech/M.E degree in the subjects of engineering and technology and scored a minimum of 60% or 6.5 CPI are eligible for admission.
  • All the applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology (from any institute other than IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) in the required discipline are eligible. Furthermore, they must have a minimum of 75 or 8.0 CPI.
  • Candidate with a Bachelor’s degree from an IIT in the required discipline and must have 7.0 CPI (minimum score).
  • Master’s degree in Science in a required discipline and scoring a minimum 70% or 7.5 CPI.
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For PhD in Science:

  • The applicants with a Master’s degree in M.Phil in Science in the required discipline. They must have scored a minimum of 60% or 6.5 %.
  • Applicants with a Master’s degree in engineering or technology and with a minimum score of 60% or 6.5 CPI.
  • Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology from an IIT (Indian Institute of Technology with a minimum of 7.0 CPI.
  • Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in the appropriate area in Eng/technology (from any other institute other than IITs/IISc) in the required discipline. Furthermore, they must have scored a minimum of 75 % or 8.0 CPI.

For PhD in Humanities & Social Science:

  •  Candidates with a Master’s degree or Phil in Arts/Commerce/Science in a required discipline must have a minimum score of 55% or equivalent.
  •  Candidates with a Master’s degree in eng./technology/design in required discipline with a minimum score of 60% or 6.5.
  • Bachelor’s degree from an IIT in a relevant area scoring a minimum of 7.0 CPI.
  • Bachelor’s degree in eng./technology (from any other IITs/IISc) in a required discipline scoring a minimum 80% or 7.5 CPI.
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How to Apply for IIT Patna Ph.D. Admission 2023:

All the Applicants suppose to use the official link of the institute to fill the IIT Patna Ph.D. Admission Application Form. The official website is www.iitp.ac.in

Applicants have to send the final filled and submitted application generated online duly signed along with all the attested copies of required documents like mark sheets/certificates and other testimonials (both sides). A Demand Draft (DD) has to pay by all the candidates in the form of the application form. It will Rs300/ for the General / OBC Applicants and Rs150/- for SC/ST/PD Applicants drawn in any national bank. It will be payable at Patna in favor of IIT Patna to the Assistant Registrar (Academics). Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patliputra Colony, Patna-800013, Bihar.

Some words have to mention on the ‘Application for PhD admission in the Department for which you applying. This text should be written on the top of the envelope for sending the complete form. Note – Female applicants will be exempt from any kind of application fee.

See also  IIT Madras PhD Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility

Please login and fill up all the parts of the application form. It is highly advisable for all the candidates to see for all the details before getting to the task of filling it. Forms with any kind of discrepancies shall not entertain.  Keenly follow all the instructions given in the document “Instructions to Applicants” At the end of the filling of the application, a final PDF will generate.

You can download this application page from your registered email address or from your application page.

You are supposed to send the final submitted application generated online duly signed along with self-attested copies of mark sheets & certificates (from class X to a highest degree obtained/appeared), caste certificate (if applicable), GATE/ NET / Relevant certificate related to any fellowship, experience certificate and other testimonials (both sides) and a Demand Draft (DD) to the Assistant Registrar (Academics), Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patliputra Colony, Patna-800013, Bihar.

Selection process:

A written test will follow by a personal interview. The institute will reserve the authority to call a minimum no of candidates on the basis of GATE/NET or marks in the qualifying exam.

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