Indian Air Force Recruitment 2023, Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card, Result

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2023: Every year, the Indian Air Force (IAF) conducts IAF Group X and IAF Group Y tests to select individuals for entry-level posts as Airmen. Candidates can acquire their ideal job in the Indian Air Force, allowing them to achieve their desire of serving their country by entering the armed services. Under the departments of the IAF, this exam is administered for both technical (group X) and non-technical (group Y) groups. Candidates can apply for the application form online when the official announcement is released.

Aspirants who desire to serve their country by entering the Indian Air Force can take advantage of this examination. Candidates are upgraded to officer status by passing departmental tests and performing well. This is the ideal entry-level position for those interested in joining the Indian Air Force.

Candidates are selected based on a written exam, a fitness and strength test, a medical assessment, and other factors. Candidates get a joining letter and are invited to training after passing all of these steps. Candidates are assigned to various air force stations and units as Airmen after completing their training.

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2023 Overview:

Organization Name Indian Air Force
Yoajan Name
Agneepath 2023
Conduct by  Central Government Jobs
Post Name Indian Air Force Agniveer
Location of Jobs All over India
Duration of service  4 Years
Training Duration  10 Weeks to 6 Months
Application form mode to submit  Online
Official Website

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2023 Notification:

Indian Air Force releases the Group X & Y Recruitment notification on its official website. The notification is released every year and candidates preparing for the competitive exam are advised to go through the official notification carefully. The notification consists of details like vacancy, any change in eligibility criteria, exam pattern, or age limit.

Indian Air Force Recruitment Application Process 2023:

IAF Recruitment application forms are released after the release of the official notification. The application forms must be duly filled out before the deadline. Below are the steps to fill out the IAF application form:

  • Visit the official website of the Indian Air Force
  • Select the tab. ‘Register as a New User
  • To register successfully, you must fill in all of the required information on the registration page, such as your name, phone number, and email address.
  • Your registration number and password will be sent to your registered phone number and email address.
  • To log in successfully, enter your registration number and password.
  • You may find the online application form here. Choose a position and fill in all required information, such as full name, parent/guardian name, date of birth, residence, educational qualification, and so on.
  • Upload all papers in the proper size and format, including pictures, signatures, caste/category certificates, educational certificates, and so on.
  • Make a payment over the internet.
  • Fill out and submit the application form.
  • Print the application form for future reference.
See also  BSF Recruitment 2023 Online Apply, Job Vacancies, Eligibility, BSF Bharti

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Date
Application Form Release Date To be announced
Last Date To Apply To be announced
Admit Card To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result To be announced

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates preparing for the competitive exam must be aware of the updated eligibility criteria. The admit card for the candidates will not be released if the candidate fails to fulfill the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria for the IAF recruitment exam are given below

Post Eligibility Criteria
Airmen Group X Candidates must have completed 10+2/Intermediate or its equivalent from any recognised Board/University with 50 percent marks in physics, maths, and English, and 50 percent marks in English overall.


Candidates must have completed a three-year diploma or polytechnic engineering programme in any field from a recognised institute or university.

Airmen Group Y Candidates must have passed 10+2/Intermediate in any stream from any recognized Board/University with a minimum of 50% marks and having a 50% aggregate in English subject.

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Exam Pattern:

Candidates must first pass an online written exam in order to advance to the next level of the selection process. The written exam will be an MCQ-style paper that will be multilingual (Hindi & English). For this exam, there is a set time limit. Candidates who are taking both the X and Y groups must take both tests at the same time. The complete exam pattern is shown below:

IAF Group X

  • The paper consists of three sections – English, Physics, & Mathematics
  • There are 20 questions in the English paper, while Physics and Mathematics have 25 questions each
  • The paper carries 70 marks
  • The duration of the exam is 60 minutes

IAF Group Y

  • The paper consists of two sections – English and Reasoning & General Awareness
  • The English section consists of 20 questions, while the General Awareness paper consists of 30 questions
  • The paper carries 50 marks
  • The duration of the exam is 45 minutes

IAF Group X & IAF Group Y

  • The paper consists of four sections – English, Physics, Mathematics, Reasoning & General Awareness
  • The paper carries 100 marks
  • The duration of the exam is 85 minutes

Note: In both Group X and Y exams, there is a negative marking of 1/4 or 0.25 for each incorrect answer. Unanswered questions will not result in a deduction of marks.


The syllabus for the IAF recruitment exam is as follows:

  • English: English Grammar, Error detection, Noun and its types, Fill in the blanks, Pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, etc. Cloze test, Sentence formation, Synonyms and Antonyms, Models, One-word substitution, Clause, Idioms and phrases, Narration, Reading Comprehension, Subject-verb agreement, Writing comprehension
  • Physics: Gravitation, Alternating current (AC), Properties of materials, Particle Physics, Thermodynamics, Electronic Devices, Ideal gases and their kinetic theory, Communication, Light, Units and measurement   Wave optics, Kinematics, Electrostatics, Laws of motion, Current Electricity, Work, Energy and Power            Magnetic Effect of current and magnetism, Motion of particles of the system and rigid bodies, Electromagnetic Induction (EMI).
  • Mathematics: Inverse trigonometric functions, Mathematical reasoning, Cartesian and rectangular coordinate system, Linear programming, Straight lines, Vector Calculus, Circle, Probability and statistics, Sequence and series, Indefinite integral, Binomial theorem, Definite integral, Permutation and combinations, Application of integral, Trigonometric functions, Differential equations Quadratic equations, Three dimensional (3d) geometry, Linear inequalities, Limits and Continuity, Mathematical induction  Differentiation and its applications Sets, Relation and Function, Conic section, Complex Numbers, Matrices and determinants
  • Reasoning: Calendar and Clock, Embedded figures, Seating arrangement, Sentence and arguments, Order and ranking, Inequalities Venn diagram, Mirror and water images, Blood Relation, Non-verbal reasoning, Direction and distance, Paper cutting and folding Analogy, Mathematical operations, Classification   Counting figures, Code-Decode, Dice and Cube, Syllogism, Logical reasoning\
  • General Awareness: Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, History After Independence, Economics, Constitution, Polity, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Current Events, Basic Knowledge of Computer

Admit Card:

All applicants who apply for this recruitment will receive their admit card or hall ticket around 15-20 days before the test. After the admission cards are released, candidates can download them. Candidates who do not have their admission cards will not be permitted to take the exam. The admit card contains information such as applicant names, mother names, date of birth, address, roll number, topics, exam date, time, test centre, candidate photograph and signature, exam instructions, and so on. All guidelines must be properly read and followed by the candidates. To sit in the test, candidates must bring identification evidence like an aadhar card/PAN card/Driving license/Voter ID/College ID/Passport, etc., along with coloured passport size pictures.

Below are the steps to download the IAF recruitment exam admit card:

  • Visit the official website –
  • On the homepage, click on the Admit Card tab.
  • Enter the essential information, such as your registration number, email address, and password, and then the verification code.
  • Submit the form by clicking the submit button.
  • Your admit card will appear on the screen of your computer. Examine all of the information on the admission card carefully.
  • Then save it to your computer and print it off for future reference.


Indian Airforce releases the result after the successful conclusion of the exam. The merit list is released on the official website. Candidates who have their names on the merit list will be called for the physical fitness test. The final merit list is released after the completion of the physical fitness test. Candidates who have their names on the final merit list will be given the job offer letter. Selected candidates will have to report to the given location on a particular date and time.

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