UPSC Engineering Services Eligibility Criteria

UPSC ESE Eligibility Criteria: Are you applying for the IES examination under UPSC? If this is the requirement then move to the official website and collect the info soon. You cannot fill the application form or apply for the exam until you are clear about the eligibility criteria that the exam conducting authority has set.

ESE Age Limit:

  1. Those who have attained the age of 21 years and not moved beyond 30 years as of January 01 of the exam year can appear for the UPSC IES test.
  2. The maximum age limit is 30 years and there will be a relaxation of up to 35 years in case the candidate is a government servant or worked in the department under the authorities provided in the below-mentioned info:
  3. Those who belong to SC and ST category will be given 5 years of the age relaxation
  4. There will be a relaxation of three years in case of OBC category candidate
  5. Till maximum of the 5 years in case if a candidate has ordinarily domiciled in J & K throughout the period from 1st Jan 1980 to the 31 Dec December 1989
  6. There will be age relaxation of three years in case if the candidate belongs to defense service personnel disabled during the hostile operations with some foreign country or into some disturbed area and able to release anyhow
  7. There will be proviso of age relaxation of 5 years if candidate is an ex-servicemen comprises of Commissioned Officers and SSCOs/ ECOs who have spent at least 5 years in the Military Service as on Aug 01, and released (i) on the closing of the assignment (those whose assignment is due, and soon be completed within 1 year from Aug 01) or else discharge on account of misconduct or by way of dismissal or inefficiency, or (ii) due to physical disability attributable to the Military Service or (iii) on being invalided; (vi) Up to five years of SSCOs /ECOs those who have finished an initial period on 1st August, and whose assignment leads to extension further than 5 years and in case when Ministry of Defence issued a certificate that applied for the civil employment and will be exhausted on three month’s notice on the date of selection from the date of receipt of offer for appointment.(vii)There will be age relaxation of 10 years in case candidate is blind, deaf-dumb and a handicapped person.
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Educational Qualification:

If you have attained the degree of Engineering from the university integrated by act of central or state legislature in India or some other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as universities which are under section-3 of university grants commission act, 1956 or those who have passed the section A as well as B of the institution Exams of the institution of Engineers in India

  • Or Those who have received the degree or diploma in Engineering from some foreign University or College or Institution and under various conditions recognized by the Government for the purpose from time to time
  • Or must have passed the Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Telecommunication Engineers and Electronics
  • Or Candidate must have passed the Associate Membership Examination Parts II as well as III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India
  • Or Candidate must have passed the Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London that help after Nov 1959
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Those who belong to Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts and Engineer Group ‘A’ in Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing/Monitoring Organization) need to have attained any of the above-mentioned qualifications such as a Master’s degree or some equivalent degree in Electronics, Wireless Communication, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.



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